
This section contains useful information about Funeral Planning, Grief Resources, Legal Advice, Social Security Benefits as well as Veterans Benefits.

Funeral Planning

Whatever you choose, some sort of service is expected from family and friends of the deceased.  We are here to help create a unique and memorable service that people will remember fondly for years to come.

Grief Resources

The death of someone we care about can be one of the most difficult experiences of life. Words seem inadequate to describe how painful the grief we feel can be. It is often much more challenging than we expect and than others seem to think. These articles will help you understand something about the grief and how we can help ourselves and others through the difficult process.

Legal Advice

The time following a death of a loved one is extremely emotional, and even the closest family will have disagreements over the most trivial matters.  To make sure there is still peace in the family, it is a good idea to let a lawyer figure things out. 

Social Security Benefits

See how Social Security is there for you throughout every stage of your life. Securing today and tomorrow.

Veterans Benefits

The Veterans Benefits Administration offers a variety of benefits and services to spouses, children, and parents of Service members and Veterans who are deceased or totally and permanently disabled by a service-connected disability.