All-Inclusive Cremation and Celebration Pricing
We've designed some easy cremation packages that include all the funeral basics, so you don't have to pick and choose.
Complete Funeral Followed
by Cremation
-Complete preparation of the deceased.
-Rental casket
-Visitation at the funeral home
-Funeral service at funeral home or other venue
-In-house cremation
-Video photo collage
-Full stationary package
-Celebrant or officiant provided by funeral home
-Your choice of one of our standard urns
-Your choice of one of our keepsake urns or cremation jewelry (additional pieces 25% off)
-Casket spray
-One death certificate
-Obituary placement on our website
Celebration of Life Package
-Private family viewing
-In-house cremation
-All facilities for memorial service and visitation
-Video photo collage
-Full stationary package
-Celebrant or officiant provided by funeral home
-Your choice of one of our standard urns
-Your choice of one of our keepsake urns or cremation jewelry (additional pieces 25% off)
-One floral arrangement
-One death certificate
-Obituary placement on our website
Include a Catered Reception in our On-Site Reception Center for $490.00
Hot Meal for 35 (additional food is 10% off)
Includes Chicken, Ham (or Rigatoni), Green Beans, Scalloped Potatoes, Salad & Rolls.
Sandwich Trays for 50 people (additional food is 10% off) - Includes Potato Salad and coleslaw.
Basic Cremation Package
In-House Cremation, Choice of Standard Urn, Choice of Standard Keepsake, One Death Certificate,
Obituary Placement on our website
Choose One of the Following Urns
Cultured Marble Urn
(Additional Charge for Engraving)
Timeless Brass Urn Timeless Pewter Urn
(Item Number: 9480) (Item Number: 9482)
Sterling Hardwood Urn
(Item Number: 85621)
Windsor Wood Urn
(Item Number: 85621)
Additional charge for engraving
Large Blooming Biodegradable Urn
(Item number #30-N-100)
Natural Scattering Urn
(Item Number #33-450)
Choose One of the Following Keepsakes
(Keepsakes are small, miniature urns meant for keeping and not burying)
Additional Keepsakes are 25% off
many more items available at the same or an additional cost

Loving Heart Keepsake
(Item Number: 23028)
Additional Colors Available
Brass or Pewter Keepsake
(Item Num: 110712)
(Item Num: 10455)
Additional Colors Available
Windsor Hardwood Keepsake
(Item Number: 74421)
Steel Scattering Tube
(Item Number: 44943-2)
Also available in gold
Stainless Steel Keepsake Pendants
(Dozens of styles to choose from)